Wednesday, 15 January 2014

12 years a slave.

Just got back from watching 12 years a slave it's really good but very heavy going. It follows Solomon played by Chiwetel Ejiofor who is kidnaped and sold into slavery.

The film is divided into different sections as Solomon travels from owner to owner, the pace is slow although a huge amount of time is covered in approximately 2 hours. The film doesn't concern itself with dates or amounts of time during Solomon's ordeal. 

The biggest reason to see this film is for Chiwetels performance, he's amazing throughout. A mention needs to go to Lupita Nyong'o who plays Patsey another long suffering captive, who is equally good. The performances by all the cast are great showing the remorseless brutality, suffering and emotion the people endured. 

The events focus on Solomon's journey rather than getting heavily caught up with his relation ships or the politics of his situation. This allows you to see how awful the conditions the prisoners were kept in and how they had to suffer. Leading you to see the choices Solomon is faced with if he is to survive. The conversation with his fellow prisoners on the boat is a good example of this both offering different choices but both leaving little hope.

Visually the film is fantastic, the story is punctuated by beautiful shots of scenery and filled with colour. There are some lovely lingering shots allowing you to absorb the moment rather than cutting off to see what's next. 

A film that should definitely be watched as a great film and to experience, to see the horrors of slavery.

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