Monday 20 February 2012


Got lots of stuff coming up.

I'll be starting the next commission a week Wednesday currently just getting everything ready for that. Its not a massive project so will only last for about a month, possibly slightly longer. I posted another clue on twitter today as to what it is.

Been busy today working on a short film thats scheduled to come out in time for Christmas this year. Currently at the scripting/storyboarding stage. This part can sometimes take ages as theres no point making a film if the scripts rubbish so its very important for this part to be perfect before moving onto anything else. I've done some character designs but these wont be finalised until after the script/storyboard is set and Im ready to start making things. This film is currently going by the title HNY until I think of something good.

The second major project I'm working on is currently called S&S this is ongoing as its a series idea rather than a short so wont be ready any time soon. A large portion of the character designs are complete and Im finishing off the character profiles. The series is a road movie, adventure across Britain. Im  figuring out the plot and the route the characters are going to take. Then at some point this year I plan to spend time traveling the route to help the writing of the plot/script.

During the next week Im going to film a short video tour of the studio so you can all see what it looks like. Though I wouldn't hold your breaths as if you check back through my previous blogs you will see I say all sorts of stuff and don't do it.

So like me on facebook, follow me on twitter, leave a comment or suggestion and i'll see you soon!


Friday 3 February 2012

Whats up

So again a long delay since my last up date, been really busy doing all sorts of projects.

The biggest news is we've just confirmed a new commission for the National Sealife Centre Birmingham. Its not animation related, though it is creative based if you follow the Blades Animation twitter you'll be able to see clues as to what the project is.

We're working on two animation projects at the moment one is a short with the aim to be finished by December 2012. The second is an ongoing multi platform series that we've been working on since the Transform@lab earlier last year.

Finally the last bit of news is studio related. we bought a new slim book shelf. That doesn't sound very exciting but it now means all of our book are a lot more accessible and look far neater. :)
