Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Today I attended the Business growth show hosted at Drayton Manor hotel in Tamworth Birmingham. Please read on for my experience and maybe tips on networking. 
I had been tempted to attend one of these networking events for a while though had been putting it off as networking isn't the most fun. All my previous networking has been pretty much animation industry specific. Previous networking i've done has been at a variety of festivals and animation events in mostly Wales and a little in Birmingham. The festivals have been the most fun to network at. Annecy especially as just getting into the events is hard enough though definitely worth pursuing as there's lots of famous industry people and free food and drinks. The Networking at Annecy wasn't necessarily successful as it didn't lead to much in the way of work but was fun floundering in the Grand Hotel having climbed over the fence to attend. So I wasn't sure how a pile of business people would react to an animation business at an event like this. 
As it happens it all went really well. I arrived a little before nine and received a warm welcome from  Becky and Jo who allowed me to sign up for the speed networking and the two seminars. The event took place in a large hall divided into two, half for stands for various businesses and the other half reserved for speed networking. 
The speed networking began around nine. I was a little reluctant about doing this as I wasn't sure if this was the right audience for Blades Animation. I'd come prepared with a stack of showreels and some businesses cards. I didn't decided to attend the event until the day before (monday) so was a little rusty on my elevator pitch. Being the professional I am I knocked up a new one on the bus ride over. Fortunately I've done lots of pitching before so it was more of a personal refresher. I went with Frank Boyds structure for elevator pitching.  As follows:
Introduce yourself
What your project is
Who it is for
Why it is important
What you want.
This was obviously supported with the famous Richard Blades charm :). This structure was adapted on the fly depending on who I was talking to and how they were reacting etc. If anyone is wondering what I was wearing I decided against going with a suit as its not the industry I work in and thought it would be misleading if I went with a shirt and tie. It was important to me that I don't miss represent myself as some one that works in an office. I went with comfy shoes, trousers, white t-shirt under a blue v-neck jumper and a smart atticus jacket cos Im a punk :).
The actual speed networking was excellent and a genuinely great way to get chatting to people I would recommend it to anyone. The first couple of people I blundered through a little until my pitch was all set in my head. Fortunately all the people I spoke to were really interesting from a wide variety of backgrounds and businesses. By the time the speed networking had finished it was annoyingly obvious that I hadn’t brought enough business cards. I'd enough for the rest of the day but not enough for any more speed networking which was a shame. 
Next up I checked out the different stands and followed on some of the conversations started during the networking. Part of my reluctance for coming to events of this kind is this type of networking that relies on cold approaches. Again everyone was really friendly and was unlike some previous events i've been to where people stand in closed groups. There were loads of open groups of people who were chatty and eager to meet others. If I ran out of people to talk to I headed for the water point as its really easy to strike up a conversation while people are getting drinks. My main opener was to simply say "hey hello" and "ask if they were having a good time". During these periods I handed out most of my remaining business cards. As mentioned before I spoke to a huge variety of business people from a magician, website designers, event planners, copywriters the list really goes on. 
A lunch buffet was provided which was a nice bonus, consisting of pizzas, sandwiches and sausage rolls. Either side of lunch was a seminar held in a separate room. The Morning session was with Shiv Ahluwalia entitled Sales Communication for Hungry Entrepreneurs who was excellent. A great mix of audience involvement, humour and sales education delivered in a relaxed manner.
The Afternoon was hosted by Jo Simpson and entitled Better Decision Making For The Business Owners. I had covered similar subjects to this Seminar in the Nesta work shop I attended as part of the Transform@lab. It was about identify business values to help inform the businesses decision making which I believe is really important and another valuable seminar and message. 
Unfortunately I didn't stay for the whole day as I ran out of business cards and I was feeling particularly worn out. (I ran the Eden Marathon on Sunday and am still recovering) I headed off about an hour before the events end. On the whole a great day out that I believe yielded some potential leads and loads of useful contacts. I look forward to the next Business Growth Show!


Tuesday, 4 October 2011


The last nine months have been very eventful for Blades Animation. We have moved to Birmingham and have a new studio located in the Jewlery Quarter. 
The Ancient Cwmbran project has now been completed. The final animation was 15 minuets long and is now being used as part of education packs for schools.
The most exciting project event has been the Transform@lab. A European training and multi platform development course. The course ran from June to September taking place in Newport University in South Wales, Mome in Budapest in Hungary and Les Gobelins in Paris. Over different sessions we developed potential multi platform projects. Although the Transform@lab has now finish we intend to develop the project further. Over the coming weeks this blog will be kept up to date and we will post an indepth blog about the Transform@lab.
