Here is the first instalment of photos from the production of the St Derfel armature. The puppet is actually finished though we will be uploading the photos in batches. We are just waiting on the final scripts so we can being work on story boarding and an animatic. We hope to begin shooting in the middle of January aiming to be finished by late February.
The first lot of photos shows the construction of St Derfels hands. These are made from twisted aluminium wire. They were then sprayed with heavy duty spray glue and wrapped with a layer of under-wrap. The excess was cut away leaving what looked like a gloved hand. We have made a number of hands so they can quickly be swapped and replaced should any break while filming.
The hands have since been painted with multiple layers of latex. To make the latex mix skin coloured acrylic was lighted with white acrylic then Ammonia added. The ammonia is used to take out any air bubbles, this was all mixed in with some liquid latex. This is all being kept in a small sealed container.
The latex is then painted on using a paint brush (if doing this your self use cheap brushes). Multiple layers are applied to slowly build up the hand.